Meetthe world'sthickestpickles
When thepickleis thickerthe crunchis muchsicker
- The Department of Agriculture estimates that the average American eats 8.5 lbs of pickles a year.
- Ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra claimed pickles made her beautiful.
- Sweet pickles are made by soaking dill pickles in strong kool - aid and are very popular in parts of Mississippi.
- Pickles have been around since ancient times.Some believe the first pickle was created in Mesopotamia in 2400 B.C.E.
- You can hear the crunch of a good pickle at 10 paces.
- In Connecticut in order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.
- If it weren't for pickles, Christopher Columbus might never have “discovered” America.
XXL cucumberS preserved in a world-famous
XXTRA tangy brine.
With over 3000 years of pickling experience
Never have a dull pickle moment™ again
Its more than
just a pickle
Add tang to any part of your life — cuz picklin' is a lifestyle.
Brine Soaker
Drench your friends with a ph-balanced drizzle of fun.
Pocket pickler
Let the world know you pickle with our key-chain sizeD pickling jars!
* only fits one pickle.Soothe chips
These single serving chips are packed with 5mg of cbd to help smooth out your internal ridges.